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yay for you!!! i am so excited for you and can't wait till you get home and i can see it in person. i'm next! (but not for close to a year or so) love you


I'm proud of you for being so brave. It looks great! In fact, it's so great that your mom will probably be jealous and beg you to take her with you next time. :)


YAY!!! It's a beautiful tat... And I told you to expect the worst, then you're plesantly surprised! Can't wait to see it in person!


Woo Hoo! So I think that it looks so pretty! Way better than the pictures of what you had posted of what you wanted to get. I am proud of you for going through that...see, now driving won't be that big of deal. hee hee. Really, it looks awesome! I want to touch it...I mean you, I mean, it...what?


Sweet mama. It is really nice and clean. I like it. If your ever in So Cal I'll take you to get another.

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