sorry for the downer post yesterday... ok well i am not so sure it was a downer as much as just a plea for unity among Christians to pray for another Christian who was hurting.
i am fine today, however. definitely answered prayer. answered prayers of yours and mine.
i am not going to go into the detail of my anguish from yesterday because that is in the past now, but i wanted to write you all a thank you. even if you didn't leave comments i know people visited here and i know you prayed for me. thank you, friends.
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i love cadbury cream eggs. seriously i think it has become an obsession. i am real sad that Easter is on Sunday and my beautiful cadbury creme eggs will go back into hibernation and i won't get to have them again until next year. i wish they were around all year long.
goodbye cadbury creme eggs... until we meet again...
Hi. I love you.
Posted by: Kristiapplesauce | April 13, 2006 at 09:49 AM
Oh yeah...I do love those eggs too. But not as much as you.
Posted by: Kristiapplesauce | April 13, 2006 at 09:59 AM
You're one of my favorites!
I'm not one for the eggs.
Posted by: Julie | April 13, 2006 at 10:56 AM
I TOTALLY agree about the eggs. Here's how caught up I've been in my own life...I haven't even had one yet this season. Only three days left! Of course, there have been years when I've found greatest joy into going into the store on the day after Easter, when they're 50% off (or more). That's when the true Easter egg hunts begin!
Posted by: Happiness | April 13, 2006 at 08:39 PM